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Drionic® Wireless Hand/Foot Devices


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The Drionic® Wireless Devices offer unsurpassed effectiveness in providing long-term perspiration control due to Hyperhidrosis or Excessive Perspiration.  No other treatment option has been shown to be more clinically more effective, safer, pain free and more economical than the Drionic® Wirless Devices. The Drionic® Wireless Devices have been the most Doctor Recommended and Prescribed iontophoresis devices in the world for more than 30 years and they are by far the best selling devices of their type due to their inherent Safety, Simplicity, Effectiveness and Affordability.  They come with the best and most comprehensive 150 Day Guarantee and Six Year Warranty in the industry. They are also reimburseable by most health insurance plans.  Free Worldwide Shipping is also provided.

The Drionic® Wireless Devices are the first ever pulsed current personal care device that stops sweating on the hands and feet. They are  safe, effective and affordale.  During the initial treatment period the Drionic® Sweat Stopping devices need to be used daily for 20 to 30 minutes.  This is done until the perspiration is lowered to an acceptable level.  For most people this happens in about two weeks. The Drionic® Wireless Devices were the first iontophoresis devices to patent and publish the term pulsed current system that also includes alternatiing signal and soft start/stop technology.  All other ionotphoresis manufactures have attempted to copy this breakthrough technology.  Most of these competitor have implemented pulsed technology incorrectly or incompletely.  Mos of them are now reporting lots of side effects this is the reason why.

The Drionic® Wireless Devices are recommended by more Physicians, Pediatricians, Podiatrists, Physician Assistants, Chiropractors and Physical Therapists than any other iontophoresis device or medical procedure available on the market today because they have been clinically proven to be over 95% effective at Johns Hopkins, Walter Reed, Northwestern University, George Washington University and the top 40 medical centers that regularly prescribe these amazing devices for their patients.  They are currently used at more than 40 Major Medical Centers in the U.S. and 40 more around the world

The Drionic® Wireless Devices use a process called iontophoresis.  This means is that ions that occur naturally in tap water are pushed over the skin by a low voltage electricity.

The operation of the Drionic® Wireless Devices is intended to be as user friendly as possible.  They are ready to use out of the box.  The new user just needs to add a small amount of tap water to both chambers in each device, turn the power on, place the hand or foot in the device for 20 to 30 minutes and that's it.

Every new user should read the four page Instruction Manual thoroughly.  Complete Instruction Manuals come with each pair of Drionic® Wireless Devices.

Most health insurers will reimburse for Drionic® Wireless Devices that are accompanied by a physician's prescription.

Drionic® Wireless Devices are contraindicated for users that have the following pre-existing conditions: implanted pacemakers and cardio-defibrillators, epilepsy, pregnancy & nursing, phlebothrombosis, thrombophlebitis and metal implants.  These devices are not recommended for use by children under the age of nine years.

These devices are not recommended for use by children under the age of nine years.  Drionic® Wireless Devices have very rare side effect (about 1 in 10,000 cases)  occurrences of prolonged skin redness or irriation have been reported.  This is the only serious side effect reported about the Drionic® Wireless Devices that clearly provide unsurpassed Safety, Efficacy and Affordability to the user.  These devices were thorougly tested in FDA Cleared Human Clinical Trials at Johns Hopkins, Walter Reed, George Washington University and Northwestern University.  These trials were conducted by an independent Clinical Research Organization and their data was submitted to the appropriate Medical Review Committee at FDA before these devices were cleared to go to market.  No other iontophoresis device manufacturer's devices have undergone such extensive clincal trial testing.


Six Year Warranty - any new device that is returned to us within the first year of its sale by the user that contains faulty parts or workmanship will be replaced by the manufacturer. Any device that is returned to us between Year 2 and 6 will first be provided Factory Care to any device that needs to have any consumable parts changed (batteries, plates and pads) and retested. There is normally a charge for this Factory Care of $25.00 per pair of devices (less than the value of the parts). Factory Care attempts to restore every device to as close to like-new condition as possible. Any faulty core components (base unit, circuit board, internal connectors, battery holder and battery contacts) will be replaced at no charge to the user in Years 2 through 6. With good care Drionic devices can easily last over 20 years. Please note: Drionic Factory Care will not be available until the end of the Covid 19 Pandemic. We apologize for the inconvenience but we believe this is in the best interests of all of our customers and employees. We're happy to provide a factory check at no charge anytime on any of our devices to assure users their devices are working at specification. 150 Day Guarantee - New Users are provided a 150 Day Period of Satisfaction Guarantee. If the Drionic® Wireless Device have not worked for a new user within 30 consecutive days of treatment they are not going to without additional Medical Diagnosis. Devices are returned to us within the Guarantee Period require a copy of your Health Insurer's Claim Denial Letter. A Physician's prescription also needs either be on file with the Company or submitted with the returned devices to effect the refund. A 20% restocking fee may be applied at the Company's sole discretion if the Company believes that the Customer has acted in material bad faith in effecting the Guarantee Coverage. i.e. the User has not really tried the devices or has negligently damaged them or failed to follow instructions in the User Manual.

8 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    It works

    Posted by Nathaniel on Jan 5th 2025

    After I abruptly and inexplicably started suffering from hyperhydrosis in my feet, I couldn't find any solution. This thing WORKS and it has basically cured me along with twice daily foot washing , moisture wicking socks, and going without shoes sometimes around the house so my feet can breathe.

  • 5
    Hand/Foot dryer

    Posted by Kevin S on Mar 28th 2023

    This product is amazing! I have been using Drionic for 10 years and it makes my hands dry for two weeks at a time. For sweaty hands it is a game changer … it’s really a life changer! When I married my wife she learned about Drionic and said “I didn’t know you have sweaty hands” My son inherited my sweaty hands and I am ordering one for him. I’m so glad it’s still available after all these years.

  • 5
    Some things I wish I've known

    Posted by Michelle on Feb 5th 2023

    Three things I wish I've known before I bought it, especially as someone living in Europe. - The shipping is only free for the machine, so if you want to buy batteries and save on shipping, do in the same purchase. - Especially because a pair of batteries will last you around 7 hours. The machine comes with 2 pairs, but if you're looking to do a foot and hand treatment, you'll need more. - If you live abroad, you will have to pay customs. Mine ranged from €20 to €30. Now, reviewing the product itself. I was the unlucky person to have an allergy reaction. Day by day it was getting harder to do the treatment and my hands were developing rashes and blisters, if that is happening to you, stop treatment. But while I was doing the treatment, I experienced no sweating for the first time of my life. I sent an email to customer services and they were quick to reply to me, they advised me to stop treatment and already gave me a label to return for a full refund. I'm very disappointed that it didn't work for me, but I'm so glad I tried.

  • 5
    It changed my life

    Posted by Intira on May 31st 2022

    I have been using this device for 22 years, With the same pair and i still use them until today. My hands stop sweating for 3-4 months after each session of half hour for 7-10 days. It is the best product i ever bought in my life. I am glad I have found them. My life is totally different when I have dry hands. Thank you so much.

  • 5

    Posted by J.O. on May 6th 2022

    For someone who has had hyperhidrosis for 30+ years, this device is life-changing. Highly recommend for anyone with hyperhidrosis.

  • 5

    Posted by Russell Johnson on May 4th 2022

    Brilliant product that no one has ever heard of. Sweaty feet all day every day for no reason is brutal to deal with. No more messy foot powder that never would last the whole day anyway. Really a godsend highly recommend!

  • 5
    It Really Works!

    Posted by Aviva Hood on Nov 27th 2021

    It does exactly what it claims and stopped my hands from sweating. It worked in 2 weeks. I got it on a Wednesday and by the second Wednesday of 1/2 hour everyday treatment it had worked. I am a pole dancer that was accepted into a major competition in March. The comp. is in June so I'm doing everything I can to prepare. One of the things I decided to do was figure out the best way to stop my hands from sweating. There are grip aids and gloves on the market. The grip aid is my best bet but only lasts at the most one song. And for me not even one song on some poles. When even a grip maker recommended iontophoresis I knew I needed to find a way to get a hold of one of these products. There are a few on the market but this one is the only one that doesn't require a prescription. They asked for one when I placed the order. In a panic I called Drionic itself to plead my case. I explained that I didn't have a regular physician and that if I had to get a prescription I might not be able to get what I needed in time to train and feel confident on comp night. I said if I can just get 10 minutes of dryness with the machine and grip aid combination I will be so happy. If you feel like you're slipping you are and no where do you feel it more than in your hands when you are upside-down with nothing but them on the pole. This was on a Monday, I received my product on Wednesday. Two weeks later on that Wednesday I noticed though my entire body was sweating (because I was driving around in over 80 weather with my windows down instead of the a/c on) my hands were dry. If ever a time there would be sweat it would be then. The way my hands feel on the poles is totally different now. I used to touch the poles and think the pole was slimy knowing it was probably my hands.Any pole could give me that feeling, brass, even powder coated had betrayed me once. I've been on chrome, steel, and powder coated after treatment. Now when I wash my hands, clean off the pole and go to do one of the hands only moves they feel like they are sticking. Because for once they really are.

  • 5
    It changed my life!

    Posted by Haishi Cheng Liang on Nov 27th 2021

    I wanted to wait before I submitted a review about this product since I wanted to be truthful. I honestly couldn't be any happier. My hands and feet used to sweat profusely, it would make me insecure and I would always be nervous. I must admit that using the Drionic has made me so much more confident and happy. I bought this product and used it every day for about 20 days, 30 minutes sessions in my hands and feet each. After that, I have been using it twice a week. It has made my hands more dry, but its totally worth it. Whenever I sweat, it is not too much, and it's okay! I know it might seem like an exaggeration, but this product has changed my life! ** Give the Drionic a try, it has the lowest price in the market, and you can see results relatively fast!!